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Food Science and Biotechnology

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
FBT4024 Independent Study on Master Student in Food Life Science and Technology 2 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Food Science and Biotechnology - No
This course is designed to improve research ability of Master students in department of Food Life Science and Technology. Special topics will be selected and studied with advisor.
FBT4025 Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Food Science and Biotechnology Korean Yes
The ‘Systems Metabolic Engineering' course provides understanding of understanding of the physiology of enzymes and microorganisms required in the biocatalyst or fermentation step, which is the core of food biotechnology or bioprocess engineering and also shows the strategies to improve enzymes and microorganisms using genetic engineering technology and molecular biology. In addition, this course provides recent industriallly-relevant knowledge and discusstion about the latest R&D status and industry.
FBT4026 Clinical and Nutritional Epidemiology 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Food Science and Biotechnology English Yes
Nutritional epidemiology is the study seeking to understand the association of diet with long-term health and disease. In this course, students will learn epidemiologic principles and methods on how to design, conduct and analyze studies in human populations to answer valid biologic questions of nutritional and public health significance.
IBT2044 BT organic chemistry 3 6 Major Bachelor Integrative Biotechnology Korean Yes
Organic chemistry is an important foundational discipline in the field of biotechnology, which focuses on studying the chemical reactions, structures, and properties of organic compounds occurring within living organisms. This course is designed for students in the field of biotechnology and covers topics such as the structure, nomenclature, reactivity, and synthesis methods of organic compounds, providing an understanding of the chemical processes that take place within living organisms.
IBT3013 Biochemical Engineering 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Integrative Biotechnology - No
Rapid overview of relavant microbiology, biochemistry, and moleculary biological process industries such as enzyme technology, fermentation technology and recombinant cell cultivat technology. Design and analysis of biological reactors and bioseparation processes by integrating biological properties and basic engineering principles. Measurement, data anlysis, control and scale-up for bioreaction and biosepa-ration precesses.
ISS3090 Technology, Society and Sustainability 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-4 English Yes
We will learn about how the technology and society have been changed and effected to each other. In addition to that, we will discuss about how we develop and manage our technology and society to be sustainable.
ISS3198 Artificial Intelligence 3 6 Major Bachelor English Yes
This course aims to teach the fundamentals of artificial intelligence starting with the concepts of intelligence, rationality and intelligent agents. Next, it will probe into problem solving, introducing the notion of search by drawing examples from puzzles and games amongst others. Then, the basics of knowledge representation and reasoning, such as logic and planning will be explored. Machine learning, a fast growing subfield of A.I. will also be covered focusing on technologies and real-world applications such as games, biomedical applications, social networks and smart technologies. Further topics (time-permitting) include the impact of major A.I. areas such as robotics and computer vision, natural language and speech processing in our society today. This is an introductory course and would be suitable for anyone interested to delve deeper into A.I. in the near future. Students will be given assignments that do not require any programming.
PHR2037 Biohealth industry and ethics 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Pharmacy Korean Yes
The purpose of this class is to have basic understanding about biohealth industry by studying the mechanism of drug action in our body and the drug development process. The medicines include small molecule drugs, protein drugs, antibodies, and gene theraphy. We also discuss the potential ethincal issues that arise from technical development of biohealth industry.